Hello World – or the inaugural post of Learn It, Make It
Hello world. It doesn’t matter what programming language you use, this has become the de facto standard for an introduction. When Kernighan wrote that first program, I wonder if he knew how it would last. Even embedded engineering has their version of this classic with a blinking LED. It is no wonder that every development kit, experiment board, or hobby set has, at least, one LED populated. You have to start somewhere. And that is the point of this inaugural post for Learn It, Make It. This is my hello world. Nothing fancy, nothing deep but a way to break the ice and introduce this site and myself. Why When starting any endeavor, it is important to ask why. Why bother, why start, why is it important. For me, I started Learn It, Make It because I wanted to help give back to the embedded community, utilizing the strengths I possess. Do I hope to become rich and famous from it? Not in the least, I hope that someday I could use it to provide a …