Weekly Engineering Challenge

Are you ready to grow your engineering career and learn how to improve your skills? The Weekly Engineering Challenge is an eight-week email course that will challenge you to take action this week – not someday.

Weekly Engineering Challenge

I’ve put together a mix of communication, technical, and time management skills into this challenge to make a lasting impact on your career.

What you will receive

The following challenges will be sent directly to your inbox each week:

  1. One-on-ones – the importance of this meeting and how to get the most out of it
  2. Clean your desk – it’s not just for the perception, but also how it increases your productivity
  3. Journal – writing things down gets them done
  4. Automation – invest in automating task to free up future time
  5. Industry News – why being in the know helps build your reputation
  6. Code Review – learn from experienced engineers by putting your work in front of them
  7. Online Brand – curate your personal brand with LinkedIn and others
  8. Present your project – showing your communication skills are as important as the content

While none of the challenges are novel or ‘magic’ the specific call to action each week will help you take immediate steps to building your career and improving your value to your employer (and future employers).

So why not get started?

This weekly challenge is completely free – all I need is an email to send the course to. If it gets too much, every email has an unsubscribe link and you won’t hear from me again – but I hope that I provide value to you in each email.

You can also reply to any email and let me know your thoughts – I actually do get (and read) the replies.

If you are ready to jump in, fill in the form below and get ready to accelerate your career.